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中国化学会会员,《Science of Advanced Materials》特邀编辑










2007.07-至今 陕西科技大学化学与化工学院 教师

2014.09-2015.07      山东大学 访问学者

2013.06-2014.06      美国西北大学 访问学者

2004.09-2007.06      山东大学化学与化工学院 博士生

2001.09-2004.06      山西大学化学化工学院 硕士生

1995.09-1999.06      山西大学化学系 本科生

1999.09-2001.07      山西大学化学系 助教










l 国家自然科学基金项目:金属磷化物半导体纳米材料功能化组装及光催化性能研究21301113),201401-201612

l 陕西省科技厅项目:磷化锡@碳复合电极材料的锂电性能及其储锂机制研究2018JM2036),201801-201912月;

l 陕西省科技厅项目:磷化铜/石墨烯锂离子电池负极材料的制备及其电化学性能研究2015JM2059),201501-201612月;

l 陕西省教育厅重点实验室项目:磷化锡@石墨烯电极材料的制备及其电化学性能研究18JS015),201801-201912

l 陕西省教育厅项目:高容量磷化铜/石墨烯锂电纳米电极复合材料的合成及其电化学性能研究15JK1080),201506-201612

l 陕西省人力资源和社会保障厅留学人员科技活动项目择优资助项目:磷化镍及其复合材料的制备与降解染料性能研究201501-201612月;

l 陕西省教育厅项目:高容量磷化铜锂电纳米电极材料的合成及其电化学性能研究2013JK0684),201307-201506

l 陕西省科技攻关项目:过渡金属磷化物纳米催化材料的合成及其在染料废水中的应用2011K07-13),201101-201312

l 陕西省教育厅项目:半导体纳米材料的功能化组装及其在染料废水中的光催化性能研究11JK0602),201107-201306

l 陕西省教育厅重点实验室项目:过渡金属填隙式化合物的合成及光催化降解废水中有机污染物的研究11JS022),201107-201306

l 陕西省教育厅项目:过渡金属磷化物纳米材料的溶剂热合成、表征及应用08JK225),200801-200912月;

l 陕西省咸阳市科技计划项目:磷属填隙化合物纳米催化材料的合成及其在染料废水中的应用2011K09-09),201201-201312月;

l 陕西科技大学学术骨干基金,201201-201412

l 陕西科技大学博士启动基金项目:磷化铜纳米晶的溶剂热合成与表征BJ07-04),200711-200910月;


l 国家973项目:纳米材料新体系、合成方法及可控生长动力学和热力学研究2005CB623601),200512-201011月;

l 国家自然基金项目:有机溶剂热合成碳化硅纳米功能材料20671058),200701-200912月;

l 国家自然科学基金计算机辅助典型抗艾滋病药物分子设计研究及应用21275094),201301-201412月;

l 国家自然科学基金基于分子势能分布信息对肽的功能识别与活性预测研究21475081),201501-201612月;

l 陕西省“13115”项目:氟碳特种涂料关键组分合成技术与产品开发2010ZDKG-35),201006-201206月;

l 浙江省科技厅项目:新型纳米杂化氟代聚丙烯酸酯织物整理剂的研究与产业化2008C11113),200810-201010月;

l 陕西省教育厅项目:氨基硅与羧基硅超分子整理剂的构筑及其应用研究09JS060),200907-201106月;

l 陕西省教育厅项目:典型抗艾滋病药物结构表征与活性预测的研究09JK358),200907-201012月;

l 山西省科技厅项目:微量成分在白酒中的行为与结构参数关系研究及应用20041013),200301-200412月;

l 山西省科技厅攻关项目:提高低度白酒品质方法的研究20041013),200201-200412.


l 国家发明专利:一种二氧化钛/磷化铟复合材料的制备方法20193月,专利号:ZL201610566230.3

l 国家发明专利:一种磷化钴三维片花的制备方法20171月,专利号:ZL201510231151.2

l 国家发明专利:一种磷化亚铜纳米管的制备方法20168月,专利号:ZL201510231148.0

l 国家发明专利:一种花状PbS/Ni2P复合材料的制备方法20163月,专利号:ZL201410816729.6

l 国家发明专利:一种中空磷化钴多级微球的制备方法20164月,专利号:ZL 201410841976.1

l 国家发明专利:一种核壳结构ZnS/Ni2P复合物微球的制备方法20164月,专利号:ZL201410476102.0

l 国家发明专利:一种石墨烯包覆磷化亚铜复合材料的制备方法20166月,专利号:ZL201410663656.1

l 国家发明专利:一种空心球状磷化亚铜锂电池负极材料的制备方法20154月,专利号:ZL201310695186.2.

l 国家发明专利:一种中空核壳结构磷化镍的制备方法20155月,专利号:ZL201410384661.9.

l 国家发明专利:三维海胆状ZnS/CdS复合半导体光催化纳米材料的制备方法2014年,专利号:ZL201310043952.7.

l 国家发明专利:一种基于智能相关指数对常见环境毒物性质/活性预测方法2013年,专利号:ZL201110145336.3.

l 国家发明专利:一种切削油2012年,专利号:ZL200910023881.2

l 国家发明专利:一种室温固化耐高温粘结剂2012年,专利号:ZL201010604668.9.



l Shuling Liu, Yiming An, Yang Liu, Yaya Xu, One-step construction of Ni2P/GN and its superior energy storage performances. Ionics. 2020, 2020, 26(2): 849860SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Wei Wei, Yueyan Wang, Jing Ren. Novel sponge-like N-doped graphene film as high-efficiency electrode for Li-ion battery. Applied Surface Science. 2019, 485: 529535SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yaya Xu, Chao Wang, Yiming An. Metal-organic framework derived Ni2P/C hollow microspheres as battery-type electrodes for battery-supercapacitor hybrids. Chemelectrochem. 2019, 6(21): 5511–5518SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yiming An, Jie Guo, Le Chai, SnO2/Fe2O3 nano-heterojunction structure composites as an anode for lithium-ion battery. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 2019, 23(7): 21192127SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yan Chen, Jing Ren, Yueyan Wang, Wei Wei. An effective interaction in polypyrrole/nickel phosphide (PPy/Ni2P) for high-performance supercapacitor. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 2019, 23(12): 3409–3418SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yuanru Chen, Xiaojian Wang, Yueyan Wang. Co2P/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites and their multifunctional performances. Micro & Nano Letters. 2019, 14(7): 732–736SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yaya Xu, Xiaoli Han, Le Chai. The competing growth and optical performances of indium phosphide/titanium dioxide (InP/TiO2) composites. Materials Research Express. 2019, 6(8): 8621786226SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Wei Wei, Xiaodong He. Indium phosphide/reduced graphene oxide composite as a high performance anode for lithium-ion battery. ChemElectroChem, 2018, 5(21): 33153322SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Chao Liu, Jie Guo, Wei Yan. Cu3P nanotubes: controlled synthesis and their good photocatalytic activity for organic dye. Micro & Nano Letters, 2018, 13(2): 190194SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yuanru Chen, Honglin Li. ZnO/FeS tubular nanostructures and its optical property. Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. 2018, 644(23): 1629–1634SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yueyan Wang, Lanbing Ma, Hongzhe Zhang. Ni2P/ZnS (CdS) core/cell composites with their photocatalytic performance[J]. Journal of Materials Research. 2018, 33(21): 3580-3588SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Chao Liu, Jie Guo, Wei Yan. Microstructure and superior electrochemical activity of Cu3P/reduced graphene oxide composite for an anode in lithium-ion batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2017, 164(12): A2390–A2397SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Xiaoli Han, Hongzhe Zhang, Hui Liu. Synthesis, characterization, and photocatalytic properties of Ni12P5 hollow microspheres. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2017, 19(5): e168SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Jie Guo, Xiaodong He, Xiaoli Han, Wei Yan. Synthesis and characterisation of NiCoP urchins, Micro & Nano Letters, 2017, 12(12): 960–963SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Hongzhe Zhang, Liqiang Xu, Lanbing Ma, Xiaoxia Chen. Solvothermal preparation of tin phosphide as a long-life anode for advanced lithium and sodium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 304: 346–353SCI收录、高被引

l Shuling Liu, Hongzhe Zhang, Liqiang Xu, Lanbing Ma, Xuan Hou. High Lithium Storage Performance of Mn-doped Sn4P3 nanoparticles, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 210: 888–896SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Lanbing Ma, Hongzhe Zhang, Xiaoli Han. Template-free synthesis of Ni2P hollow microspheres with great photocatalytic and electrochemical properties. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2016, 27(3): 2248–2254SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Lefang Han, Hui Liu. Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic performance of PbS/Ni2P flowersShuling, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 387: 393–398SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Hongzhe Zhang, Liqiang Xu, Lanbing Ma. Synthesis of hollow spherical tin phosphides (Sn4P3) and their high adsorptive and electrochemical performance, Journal of Crystal Growth. 2016, 438: 31–37SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Lanbing Ma, ZnS/Ni2P core/shell composites: simple hydrothermal synthesis, characterization and its photocatalytic degradation of pyronine B. Materials Research Bulletin. 2016, 77: 271–278SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Lanbing Ma, Facile preparation of Ni2P/ZnO core/shell composites by a chemical method and its photocatalytic performance. Materials Science and Engineering B. 2016, 207: 33–38SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Honglin Li, Shu Li, Miaomiao Li, Lu Yan. Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of ZnO nanostructure. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2016, 16: 8766–8771SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Xiaodong He, Jianping Zhu, Liqiang Xu, Jianbo Tong. Cu3P/RGO nanocomposite as a new anode for lithium-ion batteries. Scientific Reports. 2016SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yang Lin, Jianbo Tong. Ni12P5 via a hydrothermal route and their photocatalytic properties mixed surfactant controlled syntheses of solid Ni2P and yolk–shell. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 644: 140–146SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Zhengqi Wang, Qingqing Xu. Synthesis and characterization of magneto-luminescent ZnS/Fe3O4 composites. Science of Advanced Materials. 2015, 7(2): 371376SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Chenlu Ma. Synthesis and characterization of flower-like NiCoP/ZnO composites. New Journal of Chemistry. 2015, 39(8): 6332–6337SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Chenlu Ma, Lanbing Ma, Hongzhe Zhang. Synthesis of NiCoP hollow spheres and its electrochemical property. Chemical Physics Letters. 2015, 638: 52–55SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Jianping Zhu, Hui Liu. Polymer-assisted synthesis of Cu3P hollow spheres and its electrochemical properties. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2015, 7(4): 347352SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Lu Yan, Honglin Li. Solvothermal synthesis of flower-like Co2P nanostructures and its electrochemical performance. Science of Advanced Materials. 2014, 6(4):746750SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Hui Liu, Jianping Zhu, ZhengQi Wang. A complexant-assisted hydrothermal route for the synthesis of nickel phosphide. Journal of Materials Science 2014, 49(21): 7556–7562SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Hui Liu, QiangQiang Shi, ZhengQi Wang. Facile synthesis and characterization of flower-like PbS microstructure via a solvothermal route. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2014, 6(3): 268272SCI收录)

l Shuling Liu, Qiangqiang Shi, Jianbo Tong, Shu Li, Miaomiao Li. Controlled synthesis of spherical α-NiS and urchin-like β-NiS microstructures. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. 2014, 9(5): 475481SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yang Lin, Jianbo Tong. Synthesis and characterization of 3D flower-like Ni12P5 microstructures. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2014, 6(7): 601605SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Honglin Li, Lu Yan. Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of three-dimensional ZnS/CdS composites. Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48(9): 3328–3334SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Shu Li, Miaomiao Li, Lu Yan, Honglin Li. Synthesis of Tin phosphides (Sn4P3) and their high photocatalytic activities. New Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 37 (3): 827–833SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Miaomiao Li, Shu Li, Honglin Li, Lu Yan. Synthesis and adsorption/photocatalysis performance of pyrite FeS2. Applied Surface Science. 2013, 268: 213–217SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Honglin Li, Lu Yan, Zhengqi Wang, Hui Liu. Synthesis, characterization and adsorption/photocatalytic performance of ZnO/CdS flowers. Micro & Nano Letters. 2013, 8(11): 827831SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Qiangqiang Shi, Jianbo Tong, Miaomiao Li, Shu Li. A facile approach for the synthesis of uniform hollow β-CuSCN microspheres. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. 2013, 8(6): 625632SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Zhengqi Wang, Hui Liu, QingQing Xu. Hydrothermal synthesis and optical property of ZnS/CdS composites. Journal of Materials Research. 2013, 28(21): 2970–2976SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Shu Li, Jingping Wang, Qiangqiang Shi, Miaomiao Li. Surfactant-assisted synthesis and electrochemical performances of Cu3P dendrites. Materials Research Bulletin. 2012, 47(11): 3352–3356SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Lu Yan, Jianbo Tong, Shu Li, Honglin Li, Miaomiao Li. Synthesis of 3D flower-like Cd3P2 microstructures and their optical properties. Micro & Nano Letters. 2012, 7(10): 1019–1022SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yitai Qian, Liqiang Xu. Synthesis and characterization of hollow spherical copper phosphide (Cu3P) nanopowders. Solid State Communications. 2009, 149: 438–440SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Jianbo Tong. Solvothermal synthesis of iron nitride nanocrystal, Journal of Inorganic Materials. 2009, 24 (5): 989–992SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Yitai Qian, Xicheng Ma. Polymer-assisted synthesis of Co2P nanocrystals. Materials Letters, 2008, 62: 11–14SCI收录

l Shuling Liu, Xinzheng Liu, Liqiang Xu, Yitai Qian, Xicheng Ma. Controllable synthesis and characterization of hirerarchical dendrites of nickel phosphide nanocrystals. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2007, 304: 430–434SCI收录


l 陕西省科学技术奖, 2019.12, 二等奖, 陕西省人民政府

l 陕西高等学校科技进步奖, 2019.03, 等奖, 山西省教育厅

l 陕西高等学校科技进步奖, 2018.03, 等奖, 山西省教育厅

l 山西省高等学校科技进步奖, 2002.11, 一等奖, 山西省教育厅

l 陕西省化学会青年论文报告会征文奖, 2007.11, 一等奖, 陕西省化学会;

l 咸阳市第六届优秀学术论文, 2013.06, 一等奖, 咸阳市人民政府;

l 咸阳市第五届优秀学术论文, 2011.10, 一等奖, 咸阳市人民政府;

l 咸阳市第四届优秀学术论文, 2009.12, 一等奖, 咸阳市人民政府;

l 教师讲课比赛2010.10, 一等奖, 陕西科技大学化学与化工学院;

l 教师讲课比赛2011.10, 二等奖, 陕西科技大学化学与化工学院;

l 教师讲课比赛2012.09, 优胜奖, 陕西科技大学化学与化工学院;

l 指导研究生李淑(1008040)、李苗苗(1008079)获得2013届校优秀毕业论文;

l 指导研究生闫路(1108004)、李红霖(1108034)获得2014届校优秀毕业论文;

l 指导研究生刘慧(1208054)获得2015届校优秀毕业论文;

l 指导研究生张红哲(1308009)、马兰兵(1308032获得2016届校优秀毕业论文;

l 指导研究生何晓东(1408025)、韩乐芳(1408056获得2017届校优秀毕业论文;

l 指导研究生刘超(1508022获得2018届校优秀毕业论文;

l 指导研究生陈媛儒1608070获得2019届校优秀毕业论文;

l 指导2013级研究生马晨璐获得陕西省第二届研究生创新成果展暨创新成果洽谈会中优秀参展作品二等奖.

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