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Advanced ScienceACS Nano等期刊审稿人








2006.9-2010.6 西北工业大学高分子材料与工程学士


2014.12-2016.5 中国兵器第四研究院,助理研究员(育才工程)

2019.11-2021.12 西北工业大学航空宇航科学与技术,博士后

2016.6-至今 陕西科技大学化学化工学院,副教授,硕导





1、 基于超分子聚合物与大分子自组装的纳米材料

2、 //pH/氧化还原/气体响应性智能高分子材料的设计与制备








1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:NO.21801162,含荧光探针和光敏剂的超分子超支化聚合物的构筑及其诊疗一体化研究,2019/1-2021/1229.8万元,主持

2. 陕西科技大学青年拔尖人才启动基金:NO.2016QNBJ-10,拓扑聚合物的构筑及其自组装性能研究,2016/9-2020/960万元,主持

3. 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目:NO.17JK0103,环境响应性长链超分子超支化聚合物的构筑及其药物控释机理研究,2017/9-2019/122万元,主持.

4. 横向项目:特种粘合剂材料的制备及其性能研究,2020/8-2021/810万元,主持

5. 横向项目:改性甲阶酚醛树脂的研究与开发,2021/12-2022/07,主持


1. 指导研究生安娜获2021陕西科技大学优秀硕士毕业论文

2. 指导研究生安娜获2020年研究生国家奖学金,指导研究生刘彩萍2020年陕西科技大学优秀硕士毕业论文

3. 指导研究生刘彩萍获2019研究生国家奖学金


已发表论文50余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者MacromoleculesPolymer Chemistry (2)Carbohydrate Polymers (3), Polymer (2)Chemistry- an Asian JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry BChinese Journal of Polymer Science等高分子主流期刊发论文24。课题组主要致力于智能响应性高分子的设计与拓扑功能聚合物方面的研究迎有创新精神,勤奋刻苦的学生和我们一起做有趣的研究!代表论文如下详见课题组网页:baiyang.polymer.cn*为通讯作者

1. Sai, F.T., Zhang, H.T.,* Qu, J.B., Wang, J.Y., Zhu, X.Z., Bai, Y.,* Ye, P. Multifunctional waterborne polyurethane films: amine-responsive, thermal-driven self-healing and recyclability. Applied Surface Science. 2022, 573, 151526. (SCI, 2020IF: 6.707)

2. Wei, K., Zhang H.T.*, Qu J.B., Wang J.Y., Bai, Y.,* Sai F.T. Recyclable shape-memory waterborne polyurethane films based on perylene bisimide modified polycaprolactone diol. Polymers. 2021, 13, 1755.(SCI, 2020IF: 4.329)

3. Bai, Y.,* Liu, C.P., Chen, D., Liu, C.F., Zhuo, L.H., Li, H.*, Bu H.T., Tian W*. β-cyclodextrin-modified hyaluronic acid-based supramolecular self-assemblies for pH- and esterase- dual-responsive drug delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020, 246, 116654. (SCI一区TOP, 2020IF: 9.381)

4. Bai, Y.,* An, N., Chen, D., Liu, Y.Z., Liu, C.P., Yao, H., Wang, C., Song, X., Tian, W.* Facile construction of shape-regulated β-cyclodextrin-based supramolecular self-assemblies for drug delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020, 231,115714. (ESI高被引论文SCI一区TOP, 2020IF: 9.381)

5. Li, H.,* Yang Y., Xu F.F., Chen M.F., Liang T.X., Bai, Y.,* Li R.Q. href="javascript:;" Regulable aggregation-induced emission supramolecular polymer and gel based on self-sorting assembly. Macromolecules. 2020,53,4255-4263. (SCI一区TOP封面文章2020IF5.985)

6. Liu C.F., Li H.X., Li P.X., Liu C.P., Bai, Y.,* Pang J., Wang J.X., Tian W.* Dual drug-based hyperbranched polymer with methotrexate and chlorambucil moieties for synergistic cancer chemotherapy. Polymer Chemistry. 2020, 11, 5810-5818. (SCI一区TOP, 2020IF: 5.582, Invited paper for the thematic issue of 2021 Polymer Chemistry Pioneering Investigators)

7. 白阳*, 阎晓晨, 刘彩萍, 姚灏. H型聚合物的合成及性质. 化学进展, 2020, 32(12):1879-1884. (SCI区,2020IF:1.013)

8. Bai, Y.,* Liu, C.P., Xie, F.Y., Ma, R., Zhuo, L.H., Li, N., Tian, W.* Construction of β-cyclodextrin-based supramolecular hyperbranched polymers self-assemblies using AB2-type macromonomer and their application in the drug delivery field. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2019, 213, 411-418. (SCI一区TOP, 2019IF: 7.182)

9. Bai, Y.,* Liu, C.P., Chen, D., Zhuo, L.H., Bu, H.T., Tian, W.* Morphology-tunable and pH-responsive supramolecular self-assemblies based on AB2-type host-guest-conjugated amphiphilic molecule for controlled drug delivery. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2019, 15, 1925-1932. (SCI三区, 2019IF: 2.622, Invited paper for the thematic issue ofNovel macrocycles- and old ones doing new tricks)

10. Zhang, Y.J., Bai, Y.,* Li, J.Z., Fu, X.L., Yang, Y.J., Tang, Q.F. Energetic nitrocellulose coating: effective way to decrease sensitivity and modify surface property of HMX particles. Journal of Energetic Materials. 2019, 37, 212-221. (SCI三区, 2018IF: 2.346)

11. Bai, Y.,* Liu, C.P., Song, X., Zhuo, L.H., Bu, H.T., Tian, W.* Photo- and pH- dually-responsive β-cyclodextrin-based supramolecular prodrug complexes self-assemblies for programmed drug delivery. Chemistry-an Asian Journal. 2018, 13, 3903-3911. (SCI二区, 2018IF: 4.056)

12. Bai, Y., Xie, F.Y., Tian, W.* Controlled Self-Assembly of Thermo-Responsive Amphiphilic H-Shaped Polymer for Adjustable Drug Release. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2018, 36, 406-416. (SCI二区, 2018IF:3.154, Invited paper for the thematic issue of “Supramolecular self-assembly”)

13. Bai, Y., Fan, X.D.,* Tian, W.*, Liu, T.T., Yao, H., Yang, Z. Morphology transitions of supramolecular hyperbranched polymers induced by double supramolecular driving forces. Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 6: 732-737. (SCI一区TOP, 2015IF: 5.687)

14. Bai, Y., Fan, X.D.,* Yao, H., Yang, Z., Liu, T.T., Zhang, H.T., Tian, W*.  Probing into the Supramolecular Driving Force of an Amphiphilic β-Cyclodextrin Dimer in Various Solvents: Host–Guest Recognition or Hydrophilic–Hydrophobic Interaction? Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2015, 119: 11893-11899. (SCI二区, 2015IF:3.302)

15. 白阳,范晓东*,田威*,姚灏,范伟伟,刘婷婷,党静,朱秀忠. 星型三杂臂共聚物的合成及其自组装性能研究. 高分子学报, 2014, 6: 851-859. (SCI区,2014IF:0.639)

16. Bai, Y., Fan, X.D.,* Tian, W.*, Yao, H., Zhuo, L.H., Zhang, H.T., Yang, Z. Synthesis and thermally-triggered self-assembly behaviors of a dumbbell-shaped polymer carrying β-cyclodextrin at branch point. Polymer, 2013, 54: 3566-3573. (SCI二区, 2013IF: 3.766)

17. Bai, Y., Fan, X.D.,* Tian, W.*, Mu, C.G., Yang, Z., Fan, W.W., Zhang, H.T., & Zhang, W.B. Large complex micelles formed from amphiphilic H-shaped terpolymers with adjustable block ratio by ultrasonic vibration. Polymer, 2013, 54: 1734-1738. (SCI二区, 2013IF: 3.766)

18. 白阳,范晓东*,穆承广,杨臻,王丹,张海涛. 含环糊精链节的拓扑高分子.化学进展, 2013, 2/3: 363-369. (SCI区,2013IF: 0.894)

19. 尚青青,白阳*杨靖,步怀天. 基于柱芳烃主客体作用构筑的超分子纳米载体及其抗肿瘤性能研究. 化学通报, 20223225-231.

20. 刘坤,白阳*,杨靖,步怀天*.基于透明质酸构筑的药物递送载体及其应用.化学通报, 20213225-231.

21. 白阳*,辛华,邵彦明,邵亮,马忠雷. 工程教育专业认证背景下的高分子物理教学改革.教育教学论坛2020, 24, 145-146.

22. 刘彩萍,白阳* . 环糊精超分子聚合物在药物/基因递送载体领域的研究进展. 化学通报, 20184326-331.

23. 杨靖,白阳*,安娜,刘彩萍,陈香李,步怀天. 基于β-环糊精改性的水溶性苝酰亚胺的合成及其pH响应性研究. 陕西科技大学学报2020, 1, 81-87.

24. 刘彩萍,白阳*. 基于主客体识别作用构筑的聚合物前药胶束及其药物控释性能研究. 陕西科技大学学报2018463-70.

25. Liu C.F.#, Li M.Q.#, Li P.X., Bai Y., Pang J., Fan L., Tian W*. Ruthenium (II)-Coordinated supramolecular metallodrug complex realizing oxygen self-supply in situ for overcoming hypoxic tumors. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 31, 2105837. (SCI一区,2020IF18.808)

26. Li M.Q., Bai Y., Liu C.F.*, Fan L.*, Tian W*. Supramolecular dual drug nanomicelles for circumvent multidrug resistance. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2021, 7, 5515-5523. (SCI二区,2020IF4.749)

27. Yang D*, Gao KY., Bai Y, Lei L, Jia TT., Yang KD., Xue CH*. Microfluidic synthesis of chitosan-coated magnetic alginate microparticles for controlled and sustained drug delivery. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 182, 639-647. (SCI二区,2020IF6.314)

28. 王杰,李莹,邵亮*白阳,马忠雷,马建忠. 聚乙烯醇/聚吡咯复合导电水凝胶应变传感器的制备及性能. 高等学校化学学报2021, 42(3), 929-936.

29. Shao L*, Li Y, Ma Z, Bai Y, Wang J, Zeng P, Gong P, Shi F, Ji Z, Qiao Y, Xu R, Xu J, Zhang G, Wang C, * Ma J*. A Highly sensitive strain sensor based on stretchable and conductive poly(vinylalcohol)/Phytic acid/ NH2-POSS hydrogel with 3D microporous structure. ACS Applied Materials & Interface. 2020, 23, 26496-26508. (SCI一区, 2019IF: 8.75)

30. Zhuo L, Tang S, Zhao K, Xie F, Bai Y. Green facile fabrication of polyimide by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method and its decomposition dynamic. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2020, 20: 48484 (SCI 三区, 2018IF: 2.520)

31. Qian L.*, Yang M., Chen H., Xu Y., Zhang S., Zhou Q., He B., Bai Y., Song W*. Preparation of a poly(ionic liquid)-functionalized cellulose aerogel and its application in protein enrichment and separation. Carbohydrate polymers. 2019, 218, 154-162. (SCI一区, 2019IF: 7.182)

32. Yang Y*, Bai Y., Zhao F, Yao E, Yi J, Xuan C, Chen S. Effects of metal organic framework Fe-BTC on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 67308-67314. (SCI二区, 2016IF: 3.108)

33. Liu T, Tian W*, Song Y, Bai Y, Wei P, Yao H, Yan H. Reversible self-assembly of backbone-thermoresponsive long chain hyperbranched poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide). Polymers, 2016, 8, 33-47. (SCI二区, 2016IF: 3.364)

34. Zhuo L*, Kou K, Bai Y, Wang Y, Wu G. Study of thermal decomposition kinetics for polyimides based on 2,6-bis(4-amino- phenyl)-4-(4-(4-aminophenoxy) phenyl) pyridine. High Performance Polymers, 2016, 28(4): 390-400. (SCI , 2016IF: 1.179)

35. Zhuo L*, Kou K, Bai Y, Chao M, Wang Y. Influence of terminating triamine by phthalic anhydride on polyimides’ properties. High Performance Polymers, 2016, 28(6): 709-716. (SCI , 2016IF: 1.179)

36. Zhang H, X Fan, R Suo, H Li, Z Yang, W Zhang, Bai Y, Hao Yao, Wei TianReversible morphology transitions of supramolecular polymer self-assemblies for switch-controlled drug release, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51 (84), 15366-15369. (SCI 一区, Inside back cover, 2015IF: 6.834)

37. Zhang H, Fan X, Tian W, Suo R, Yang Z, Bai Y, Zhang Wan Bin. Ultrasound-driven secondary self-assembly of amphiphilic β- cyclodextrin dimers. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015, 21(13): 5000-5008. (SCI二区 , Hot paper and back cover, 2015IF:5.731)

38. Zhang H, Fan X, Li F, Suo R, Zhen Y,Li H, Zhang W, Bai Y,. Thermo and pH dual controlled charge reversal amphihilic graft copolymer micelles for overcoming drug resistance in cancer cell. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3(22):4585-4596. (SCI一区, 2015IF: 4.726)

39. Zhang H, Tian W, Suo R, Yue Y, Fan X, Yang Z, Li H, Zhang W and Bai Y,, Photo-controlled host–guest interaction as a new strategy to improve the preparation of “breathing” hollow polymer nanospheres for controlled drug delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3(43): 8528-8536. (SCI 一区, 2015IF: 4.726)

40. Yao H, Tian W*, Liu Y, Bai Y, Liu D, Liu T, Qi M, Wang M, Liu Y. Cyclodextrin-tunable reversible self-assembly of a thermoresponsive Y-shaped polymer. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 34557-34565. (SCI二区, 2015IF: 3.288)

41. Liu T, Tian W*, Zhu Y, Bai Y, Yan HDu J*. How does a tiny terminal alkynyl end group drive fully hydrophilic homopolymers to self-assemble into multicompartment vesicles and flower-likecomplex particles. Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 5: 5077-5088. (SCI一区, 2014IF: 5.520)

42. Fan W, Fan X, Tian W, Zhang X, Wang G, Zhang W, Bai Y, Zhu X. Phase transition dynamics and mechanism for backbone-thermoresponsive hyperbranched polyethers. Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 5: 4022-4031. (SCI一区, 2014IF: 5.520)

43. Yang Z, Fan X, Tian W, Wang D, Zhang H, Bai Y,. Nonionic Cyclodextrin based binary system with upper and lower critical solution temperature transitions via supramolecular inclusion interaction. Langmuir, 2014, 30(25): 7319-7326. (SCI二区 , 2014IF: 4.384)

44. Mu C, Fan X*, Tian W*, Bai Y, Yang Z, Yao H, Chen H. An H-shaped Polymer bonding β-cyclodextrin at branch points, synthesis and influences of attached β-cyclodextrins on physical properties. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2013, 51(6): 1405-1416. (SCI二区, 2013IF: 3.245)

45. Mu, C, Fan X*, Tian W*, Bai Y, Yang Z, Fan W, Chen H. Synthesis and stimulus-responsive micellization of a well-defined H-shaped terpolymer. Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 3(12): 3330-3339. (SCI一区, 2012IF: 5.368)

46. Mu C, Fan X*, Tian W*, Bai Y, Zhou X. Miktoarm star Polymers with poly(N- isopropylacrylamide) or poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) as building blocks, synthesis and comparison of thermally- responsive behaviors. Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 3(5): 1137-1149. (SCI一区, 2012IF: 5.368)

47. 穆承广,范晓东*,田威*白阳,南江琨,马托梅,杨光.基于星型杂臂环糊精聚合物的纳米胶束:构筑与包合特性. 高等学校化学学报2011,8,1896-1903. (SCI四区, 2011IF: 0.79)

48. 刘晓军, 李吉祯, 张正中, 邓重清, 白阳, 屈蓓. CL-20对硝酸酯炸药性能的影响. 火炸药学报, 2017, 40(1), 49-52. (EI收录)

49. 张万斌, 范晓东, 范伟伟, 朱秀忠, 白阳. 聚丁二烯-聚四氢呋喃三嵌段共聚物的合成与热性能. 高分子材料科学与工程, 2014, 5, 34-38. (EI收录)

50. 朱秀忠, 范晓东*, 张万斌, 范伟伟, 白阳, 张轩. 阳离子开环聚合中氧杂环类单体的活化及链增长机理研究.高分子通报, 2014, 1, 7-13.

51. 党静田威*白阳范晓东. 嵌段共聚物自组装纳米孔模板的研究进展,化学通报201310909-914.

52. 刘婷婷,田威*白阳,范晓东. 长链超支化聚合物的合成研究进展. 高分子通报, 2013, 5: 9-16.

53. 姚灏,田威*白阳,范晓东. 聚合物分子刷的研究进展. 应用化工, 2013, 42 (3), 510-516.

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